1. The students are supposed to be loyal, sincere, honest, truthful, efficient and accountable in everything they undertake.

2. It is compulsory for students to bring the school Almanac everyday.

3. Students must be in their class- rooms at least five minutes before the time fixed for their classes to commence.

4. Students coming by their own arrangements are supposed to enter the school premises no more than ten minutes before the school time.

5. The warning bell before class is a signal for all to settle in their respective class-rooms.

6. Pupils are required to be present in the assembly.

7. No student is permitted to leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal which will be granted only at the specific written request of the parents and only on extremely compassionate grounds.

8. All the students should be habitually clean and neatly dressed. School uniform is to be worn on all working days, school functions and tours. A student who is slovenly dressed will not be allowed to sit in the class room and can even be sent back home. No student is allowed to wear sports shoes during regular classes.

9. The Principal has the right to confiscate any item brought by child which may be considered objectionable.

10. All students are expected to converse in English in campus.

11. Money should neither be lent nor borrowed.

12. No expensive articles should be exchanged among the students.

13. No collection for any purpose whatsoever is to be made. No meeting. demonstration, party or picnic is to be held without the prior permission of the Principal.

14. Presenting gifts to the members of the staff/other students is not permitted.

15. Sikh students should tie turbans and other students should have proper (army hair cut) decent hair cut. The school reserves the right to call the school barber and get the hair of Non Sikh boys trimmed as per the school norms if they do not come with properly trimmed hair.

16. No student is allowed to use hair colour or hair gel.

17. Pupils desiring to be exempted from P.T. or games must produce a doctor's Certificate stating that they are physically unfit to participate.

18. A high sense of discipline must be maintained both inside and outside the school.

19. Any Improper behaviour within the school premises is strictly prohibited.

20. Students are prohibited from buying eatables from the street vendors.

21. School property should be handled with care. No student should scratch or spoil the desks and walls. Damage done ,even accidentally, will have to be paid by the defaulter along with the fine.
[06/06, 10:59 am] Reema: 22. Students are not allowed to receive any visitors or to make phone calls during school hours unless it is very urgent and has the approval of the Principal.
23. Students must participate in all the school activities in order to ensure holistic personality development.
24. Students must not bring any valuables like expensive watches, jewellery,fountain pens, calculators ,stationery, toys and video games to school. The school will not be responsible for any loss.
25. If a student does not improve his or her behaviour or conduct despite repeated warnings,his/ her name will be struck off from the school rolls.
26. Students who are escorted by their servants/guardians shall not leave the school premises before the arrival of their escorts. In case their servants/guardians are late, it should be reported to the school authorities.
27. In order to make the students aware of the consequences of being indisciplined or indifferent towards their studies, warning letters will be issued to them which will reflect adversely on the character certificate.
28. Students must wear their I- cards when coming to school. It is a part of the uniform.
29. The Principal reserves the right to direct the parents to withdraw their ward for any of the following reasons:
     (a) Irregular attendance 
     (b)  Unsatisfactory academic progress
     (c) Bad conduct 
     (d) Immorality or grave insubordination to school authorities
    (e) Non-payment of fees
30. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the student for irregularity late arrival untidiness neglect of studies frequent omission of homework, late submission of assignments misbehaviour with teachers, use of unfair means in tests and examination, damage to school property aur equipment and bringing irrelevant material to school etc. Any child found guilty in any of the above cases will be issued the following:
     1. Warning letter 
     2.Pink Card
Three Pink Cards will result in issuing of a red card which would mean expulsion or dismissal.