1. Review the School Almanac daily to stay updated on your child's homework, projects, teacher remarks, and circulars. Please sign the Almanac daily.
2. Address all communication to the Principal, rather than individual teachers or class in-charges.
3. Collaborate with the school to support your child's growth and development.
4. Ensure your child's regularity, punctuality, and discipline.
5. Inform the school in writing of any changes to your address or mobile number.
6. For updates on your child's performance, contact the respective class teacher or coordinator.
7. Refrain from criticizing teachers or the school in front of your child, as it may undermine their respect for authority.
8. Pay fees promptly.
9. Encourage and motivate your child, avoiding criticism or chiding.
10. Do not send food or items through others; instead, utilize the school's Food Place for hygienic and fresh options.
11. Remember to:
    - Provide a secure and loving environment for your child.
    - Correct them privately, not publicly.
    - Guide them to avoid negative influences.
    - Allow them to use the school phone to contact you when necessary.
    - Spend quality time with your child, appreciating their achievements and encouraging participation in sports and co-curricular activities.
    - Ensure they allocate time for self-study.